Cilla Ramnek
La reine des motifs, la talentueuse designer suédoise Cilla Ramnek, a exposé quelques unes de ses ouevres récentes dans une galerie près de Göteborg durant le mois de juin. Vous vous souvenez peut-être de son livre Nesting, qui avait fait le tour de la blogosphère lors de sa sortie, et vous reconnaissez certainement les motifs qu'elle a créés pour IKEA. Chez Fine Little Day j'ai trouvé des images de cette expo, et je suis fascinée par les heures de travail et la multitude de matériaux utilisés: perles, punaises, échantillons de tissus, bandes de papier, crochets... Original et charmant.
The queen of patterns, talented Swedish designer Cilla Ramnek, has been exposing some of her recent work in a gallery close to Göteborg during the month of June. You might remember her book Nesting, which was all around the blogosphere when it was launched, and you probably recognize the patterns she has created for IKEA. At Fine Little Day I found pictures from this exhibition, and I'm fascinated by the hours of work and the variety of materials used: beads, thumbtacks, fabric samples, paper strips, crochets… Quirky and lovely.
The queen of patterns, talented Swedish designer Cilla Ramnek, has been exposing some of her recent work in a gallery close to Göteborg during the month of June. You might remember her book Nesting, which was all around the blogosphere when it was launched, and you probably recognize the patterns she has created for IKEA. At Fine Little Day I found pictures from this exhibition, and I'm fascinated by the hours of work and the variety of materials used: beads, thumbtacks, fabric samples, paper strips, crochets… Quirky and lovely.
Photos Fine Little Day